Solar Panels
In simpler terms, solar panels are used to absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity or heat energy.
Solar panels consist of several photovoltaic cells that are used to produce electricity using the photovoltaic effect. These photovoltaic cells are seen in an arranged manner, forming a grid-like pattern on the surface of these panels. This is why they are sometimes also known as photovoltaic modules that are installed on a structure that provides support. This photovoltaic module is connected to an assembly, typically of 6×10 solar cells.
These panels are very durable and robust, which is why they are able to withstand external conditions like changing weather. The wear and tear happen very gradually. You won’t notice any change in their effectiveness in a year.
The majority of solar panels are made using crystalline silicon solar cells.
Installing solar panels in homes assists in countering the effects of harmful greenhouse gases and ultimately plays its role in diminishing global warming. Moreover, solar panels do not result in any kind of pollution and they make us less dependent on non-renewable fossil fuels or conventional power sources.
Get your home and workplace the solar energy it needs and save a great amount of your money you give out in utility bills every year.
Canadian Solar CS3W-445MS
₨ 21,025.00Add to cart
Canadian Solar CS3W-445MS
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam fringilla augue nec est tristique auctor. Donec non est at libero vulputate rutrum.
₨ 21,025.00Add to cart
Cheetah Plus HC 78M 400Watt Mono Perc Half Cell Module
₨ 20,790.00₨ 19,800.00Add to cart
Cheetah Plus HC 78M 400Watt Mono Perc Half Cell Module
5 Busbar Solar Cell
High Efficiency
Low-light Performance
12 Year Product Warranty
25 Year Linear Power Warranty
Severe Weather Resilience
PID Resistance
Durability Against Extreme Environmental Condition
₨ 20,790.00₨ 19,800.00Add to cart
Inverex 150w Mono PERC Inverperfect INV-150
- Monocrystalline PERC Solar Panel
- High Efficiency Solar Panel
- ISO & IEC Certified
- Maintenance Free Solar Panel
- 5 Bus Bar
- Up to 17.5% Cell Efficiency
- IP67 Protection MC 4 Compatible
₨ 7,300.00Add to cart
Inverex 150w Mono PERC Inverperfect INV-150
Main Feature:
- Monocrystalline PERC Solar Panel
- High Efficiency Solar Panel
- ISO & IEC Certified
- Maintenance Free Solar Panel
- 5 Bus Bar
- Up to 17.5% Cell Efficiency
- IP67 Protection MC 4 Compatible
₨ 7,300.00Add to cart
Inverex 150w Poly Inverperfect INV-150
- A Polycrystalline Solar Panel
- High Efficiency Solar Panel
- ISO & IEC Certified
- Maintenance Free Solar Panel
- 5 Bus Bar
- Up to 17.5% Cell Efficiency
- IP67 Protection MC 4 Compatible
₨ 7,000.00Add to cart
Inverex 150w Poly Inverperfect INV-150
Main Features:
- A Polycrystalline Solar Panel
- High Efficiency Solar Panel
- ISO & IEC Certified
- Maintenance Free Solar Panel
- 5 Bus Bar
- Up to 17.5% Cell Efficiency
- IP67 Protection MC 4 Compatible
₨ 7,000.00Add to cart
Inverex 180w INV-MONO PERC
- Higher efficiency: average 21 % with WVrty PERC, black Silicon technology high power output
- Anti-PID, Anti-LID, Tested in accordance PID FREE to the IEC 62804
- Better performance at low irradiance to a LOW LIGHT higher yield, Better EL test result No cracks
- Passing IEC61215 IEC61730 Dynamic mechanical load test
- Full Automatic Production Line.
₨ 8,700.00Add to cart
Inverex 180w INV-MONO PERC
Main Feature
- Higher efficiency: average 21 % with WVrty PERC, black Silicon technology high power output
- Anti-PID, Anti-LID, Tested in accordance PID FREE to the IEC 62804
- Better performance at low irradiance to a LOW LIGHT higher yield, Better EL test result No cracks
- Passing IEC61215 IEC61730 Dynamic mechanical load test
- Full Automatic Production Line.
₨ 8,700.00Add to cart
Inverex 375w Mono PERC RSM72-6-375M
- Industry Leading lightweight 72-cell solar panel
- Latest Monocrystalline PERC Technology
- High CEC PTC Rate
- More Power for more electricity generation
- Higher Yield through improved performance in shaded conditions
- Breakthrough technologies for increased light capture
- 100% free of Potential Induced Degradation (PID) efficiency Losses
- Certificate for Salt Mist & Ammonia Corrosion Resistance
₨ 17,920.00Add to cart
Inverex 375w Mono PERC RSM72-6-375M
Main Features
- Industry Leading lightweight 72-cell solar panel
- Latest Monocrystalline PERC Technology
- High CEC PTC Rate
- More Power for more electricity generation
- Higher Yield through improved performance in shaded conditions
- Breakthrough technologies for increased light capture
- 100% free of Potential Induced Degradation (PID) efficiency Losses
- Certificate for Salt Mist & Ammonia Corrosion Resistance
₨ 17,920.00Add to cart
JA Solar 330w JAP72S01 330/SC Series Poly Module
- 5 Bus Bar Cell Design
- Low Cost
- Anti-PID
- High Reliable Due to Strict Quality Control
₨ 14,300.00Add to cart
JA Solar 330w JAP72S01 330/SC Series Poly Module
Main Features:
- 5 Bus Bar Cell Design
- Low Cost
- Anti-PID
- High Reliable Due to Strict Quality Control
₨ 14,300.00Add to cart
JA Solar 400w JAM72S10 400/MR Series Mono PERC Module
- Higher Power Output
- Lower LCOE
- Less Shading and lower resistive loss
- Better Mechanical Loading Tolerance
₨ 19,360.00Add to cart
JA Solar 400w JAM72S10 400/MR Series Mono PERC Module
Main Features
- Higher Power Output
- Lower LCOE
- Less Shading and lower resistive loss
- Better Mechanical Loading Tolerance
₨ 19,360.00Add to cart
JA Solar JAM72S10 400/MR
₨ 18,900.00Add to cart
JA Solar JAM72S10 400/MR
Main Features:
Higher output power
Less shading and lower resistive loss
Lower LCOE
Better mechanical loading tolerance
₨ 18,900.00Add to cart
Jinko 535W Tiger Pro 72HC Mono Facial Module
- Multi Busbar Technology
- Reduced Hot Spot Loss
- Longer Life-time Power Yield
- Durability Against Extreme Environmental Conditions
- Enhanced Mechanical Load
₨ 25,145.00Read more
Jinko 535W Tiger Pro 72HC Mono Facial Module
Key Features:
- Multi Busbar Technology
- Reduced Hot Spot Loss
- Longer Life-time Power Yield
- Durability Against Extreme Environmental Conditions
- Enhanced Mechanical Load
₨ 25,145.00Read more
Jinko Cheetah Plus 440W HC 78M-V
Cell Type | ZXP6 Mono PERC 158.75×158.75mm |
No.of cells | 156 (6×26) |
Dimensions | 2166×1002×35mm (85.28×39.45×1.38 inch |
Weight | 24 kg (52.91 lbs) |
Front Glass | 3.2mm,Anti-Reflection Coating, High Transmission, Low Iron, Tempered Glass |
Frame | Anodized Aluminium Alloy |
Junction Box | IP67 Rated |
Output Cables | TUV 1×4.0mm2 (+): 250mm , (-): 150 mm or Customized Length |
₨ 21,560.00Add to cart
Jinko Cheetah Plus 440W HC 78M-V
Key Features:
Cell Type | ZXP6 Mono PERC 158.75×158.75mm |
No.of cells | 156 (6×26) |
Dimensions | 2166×1002×35mm (85.28×39.45×1.38 inch |
Weight | 24 kg (52.91 lbs) |
Front Glass | 3.2mm,Anti-Reflection Coating, High Transmission, Low Iron, Tempered Glass |
Frame | Anodized Aluminium Alloy |
Junction Box | IP67 Rated |
Output Cables | TUV 1×4.0mm2 (+): 250mm , (-): 150 mm or Customized Length |
₨ 21,560.00Add to cart
Jinko Eagle 335w POLY 72P-V
Cell Type | Poly-crystalline 157×157mm (6 inch) |
No.of cells | 72 (6×12) |
Dimensions | 1956×992×40mm (77.01×39.05×1.57 inch) |
Weight | 22.5 kg (49.6 lbs.) |
Front Glass | 3.2mm, Anti-Reflection Coating, High Transmission, Low Iron, Tempered Glass |
Frame | Anodized Aluminium Alloy |
Junction Box | IP67 Rated |
Output Cables | TÜV 1×4.0mm, Length: 1200mm or Customized Length |
₨ 15,075.00Add to cart
Jinko Eagle 335w POLY 72P-V
Key Features:
Cell Type | Poly-crystalline 157×157mm (6 inch) |
No.of cells | 72 (6×12) |
Dimensions | 1956×992×40mm (77.01×39.05×1.57 inch) |
Weight | 22.5 kg (49.6 lbs.) |
Front Glass | 3.2mm, Anti-Reflection Coating, High Transmission, Low Iron, Tempered Glass |
Frame | Anodized Aluminium Alloy |
Junction Box | IP67 Rated |
Output Cables | TÜV 1×4.0mm, Length: 1200mm or Customized Length |
₨ 15,075.00Add to cart
Longi 435w Mono PERC LR4-72HPH
- Positive Power Tolerance
- High Module Conversion Efficiency
- Slower Power Degradation
- Solid PID resistance
- Reduced Resistive Loss
- High Energy Yield
- Reduced Hot Spot Risk
₨ 21,315.00Add to cart
Longi 435w Mono PERC LR4-72HPH
Main Features:
- Positive Power Tolerance
- High Module Conversion Efficiency
- Slower Power Degradation
- Solid PID resistance
- Reduced Resistive Loss
- High Energy Yield
- Reduced Hot Spot Risk
₨ 21,315.00Add to cart
Longi 445w Mono PERC LR4-72HPH
- Positive Power Tolerance
- High Module Conversion Efficiency
- Slower Power Degradation
- Solid PID resistance
- Reduced Resistive Loss
- High Energy Yield
- Reduced Hot Spot Risk
₨ 21,805.00Add to cart
Longi 445w Mono PERC LR4-72HPH
Main Features:
- Positive Power Tolerance
- High Module Conversion Efficiency
- Slower Power Degradation
- Solid PID resistance
- Reduced Resistive Loss
- High Energy Yield
- Reduced Hot Spot Risk
₨ 21,805.00Add to cart
Longi 540 Bifacial Hi-Mo5 LR5-72HBD
- Advance module technology delivers superior module efficiency.
- Global validated bifacial energy yield.
- High module quality ensures long-term reliability.
- Based on M10-182mm wafer, best choice for ultra- large power plants.
₨ 27,540.00Add to cart
Longi 540 Bifacial Hi-Mo5 LR5-72HBD
Main Features:
- Advance module technology delivers superior module efficiency.
- Global validated bifacial energy yield.
- High module quality ensures long-term reliability.
- Based on M10-182mm wafer, best choice for ultra- large power plants.
₨ 27,540.00Add to cart
Risen Solar Panel RSM72-6-330M-350M/4BB
₨ 15,225.00Add to cart
Risen Solar Panel RSM72-6-330M-350M/4BB
PERC, Standard Mono Solar Panel
1956*992*40 mm
Panel Efficiency:
17.1% – 18%
25 years linear output power warranty
Anodized Aluminium Alloy
Tempered Low Iron Glass, 4.0 mm
Cell Encapsulation:
White Back Sheet
Junction Box:
Potted, IP67 3 diodes
Length 1200mm, 1x4mm
MC4/MC4 Compatible
Maximum System Voltage:
DC 1000V (IEC)
₨ 15,225.00Add to cart
Showing 1–16 of 32 results