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Solar in Pakistan Price

The price of your new solar system will, of course, depend on how big the installation is. Or to put it another way – how many kiloWatts (kW) of solar panels you choose to install will affect how much it costs.

You’ll be pleased to know that prices in Pakistan have dropped significantly since I started back over a decade ago (when a piddly installation with 1kW of solar panels cost $10,000!) – particularly pricing for larger systems. You’ll get far more capacity for the same money.

The rebate fluctuates based on the value of things called STCs, which are explained in more detail on the page I linked to above. With the current price of STCs as at December 2020 you are looking at up-front savings of about $570 per kW installed.

Here’s how the pricing works out for a typical 6.6kW system, including installation: 

(Note: these solar panel prices are very approximate and assume quality components are used in the installation. To get accurate pricing for your particular situation, I would advise getting 3 quotes from local installers I’ve pre-vetted.)

